26 Sept 2011

Absolutamente Genial

Está a sair para o mercado uma super edição de luxo asiático do "The Dark Side of The Moon" a que se seguirão as outras obras dos Pink Floyd.
Como aperitivo damos aquele que muitos consideram a obra que completou o The Wall.
A opinião que se segue não é, obviamente, minha.

In my opinion this album is about the Falklands War. Roger Waters was a pacifist and many of the lyrics in the song direct anger at people like Margaret Thatcher for starting the war,
For example, "Oh Maggie, Maggie what have we done?"
The first song in the album is called, "The Post War Dream" the lyrics of it are saying how politicians claim to want world peace after the disaster of the first two world wars, but, really they are being very hypocritical and continuing to try and find peace through violence.
The song warns of the danger of modern warfare with new WOMD with the opening radio bulletin saying how Peterborough has been Nuked.
The album develops to talk about the horrors that took place in the war, and, how it scarred the fighters who believed they were heroic by fighting it. Some of these people became mad, and others even committed suicide hence the name "The Final Cut".

The front cover shows a Remembrance Day poppy and four World War II medal ribbons laid out on a black fabric background. From left to right the medals are the 1939–45 Star, the Africa Star, the Defence Medal, and the Distinguished Flying Cross.

Download (booklet com letras)

1 comment:

Wyrm said...

Um grande album sim senhor.
Eu prefiro o Ummagumma
Realmente fora da política, futebol e religião, podemos todos ser amigos.